Floowie - API


action = order

An order for a publication.


key value
email * encrypted user e-mail in valid form of a person who placed the order
publicationurl *** URL of a publication from www.floowie.com (i.e. http://www.floowie.com/en/view/floowie-uzivatelska-prirucka or floowie-uzivatelska-prirucka
publicationid *** ID of a publication
credit specifies, whether user's credit should be subtracted
Possible values: 0,1 (default: 0, for mobile devices 1, even if not specified)
 password **  encrypted password of the user. It is encrypted the same way as the e-mail after it is processed through sha1() hash function.

* - mandatory fields
** - mandatory fields for API keys for mobile devices
*** - mandatory fields (one of)