Floowie - API

Prepaid order

action = prepaidOrder

Prepaid order of a title can be defined as a number of days or a number of publications from specified date. This action is disabled for API keys for mobile devices. Use action orderPrepaid instead.


key   value
 email *  encrypted user e-mail in valid form of a person who placed the order
 title *  title ID from the Floowie title manager
 date *  date the prepaid order becomes valid from (as in unix timestamp)
 amount *  number of pieces/days ordered from date
 amounttype *  0 : pieces, 1 : days

 gives access to all publications of the title released before the date of order

possible values: 0, 1; default: 0

 password **  encrypted password of the user. It is encrypted the same way as the e-mail after it is processed through sha1() hash function.

* - mandatory fields
** - mandatory fields for API keys for mobile devices