Mesačník Strojárstvo/Strojírenství - je lídrom vo svojom obore na trhu printových médií a je zároveň najdlhšie na trhu – už 29 rokov. Sme slovensko - český mesačník s presahom na krajiny eurozóny- čo je zakotvené aj v podtitule s názvom European engineering magazine - Európsky strojársky časopis. Monthly Engineering / Engineering - is a leader in its field of print media market and is also the longest on the market - already 22 years. We Slovakia - Czech monthly interference on the euro-zone, which is also reflected in the subtitle to the name European engineering magazine - European engineering magazine. Our clients are both companies with non-No. economic space. Every month we bring news of the engineering industry and other related industries Slovak, Czech and European industry.
Kategória: Odborné časopisy, Technika
Počet strán: 1Dátum zverejnenia : 3.2.2025